23 septembrie 2011


Getting to know someone is a long and time consuming process. Because we're all so different at times it can be very hard to understand and to connect with each other.
I am done believing in rainbows and butterflies, sunshine and long walks on the beach at sunset, romanticism is overrated.
I am done believing the best in people, i am done hoping, trusting, wishing and I am done thinking of the "what if's". It's pointless anyways.

18 septembrie 2011


In the 1950s women were barely finishing college due to the fact that they were all destined to get married and become the perfect housewives. Nowadays, after 60 years things have changed. Women are encouraged to go to college, graduate, and become professionals. The role of women in our society had a 180 degrees spin. One can almost call it an evolution, but is it really? Things for women these days have become more and more hard, they have to split in between family and career, in between being the perfect housewives, the perfect lovers, and the best professionals. The society has been through plenty of changes and women have encountered various “improvements” in their status. But what about men? What about them? How have they evaluated? How have they changed in these 60 years? They evaluated from having one mistress to having more than one, from having 2 glasses of whiskey every evening to drunken nights with their friends, from wishing for a family to seeking independence and their good old bachelor times. What is wrong with the society in which we live in? what will the next generations learn about us? What will they remember the beginning of this new century by? By the fact that we live in a society where sex sells, where families are broken, where nothing is everlasting and happy endings occur only in movies or for the ones that are blind enough to let it go. It’s true, there were some advancements that need to be acknowledged, but us, as a society, as a whole, as the humankind, we in for a crash. And unfortunately there is no life jacket or a safety nest to catch us.